
For years, the company has been UNI EN ISO 9001 certified and has been progressively integrating an internal safety management system into its work organisation, in accordance with D.1gs. 81/08 et seq. because, as the owner Roberto Dall'Arche emphasises, quality and safety are the trump card for competing and securing a strategic position in foreign markets as well. 

The implementation of UNI EN ISO 9001 allows us to continuously improve the quality management systems and processes of our organisation. In turn, this improves our ability to meet the needs and expectations of our customers. 

SGS certification demonstrates that our products, processes, systems and services meet national and international regulations and standards. This demonstrates Tecnoma's cosntant commitment to quality and clewitne satisfaction to meet the diverse demands of an ever-changing world. 

All machines manufactured by Tecnoma are CE certified.

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